Monday, December 31, 2007

last blog of the year...

Finally, 2007 is coming to an end... and a new year, a new beginning and a new life...

What is my new year resolution? What is my goal? 

Many i would say. I have a few new resolution for myself for year 2008 but for this blog, i am going to only reveal one......


i know it sounds lame, but i need to organize my time and enjoy life and work at the same time. Less sleepless nights and better artwork! 

another resolution is, "Forget about the past, Forget about him". So what i am gonna do when the clock strikes 12 tonight is deleting all his messages to me that i've been keeping......I do not know are those messages where sincere voice from his heart and does he really meant it when he type those messages.. but i guess, everything between us have to come to an end. A new life and a new beginning.. 

I said to myself that i will practice and enhance my illustration skills but what have i done so far for the last 1 month? NOTHING! ahahahha So it is time now for me to "switch". Time to turn over a new leaf...but before that.... where is my Apple?

1 comment:

Yangy said...

Inspiring! I think I shall deleting her sms-es I have been keeping too (furthermore, I have left not many spaces for new incoming messages anymore).

Similarly, my holiday in November was filled with loads of self-study, but i become lazy since December came, especially after I bought a new game - Dota, haha! XD Wish we able to pick up a better time management skill (and self management too)!