"The position of the heavenly bodies indicates that a face from the past could be a real catalyst. You need this to make you realize that you should get moving on a certain issue. Perhaps your relationship showed you something about yourself that you have not yet resolved. You see with clarity that it is time to take action, in order to be able to move on"
Sometimes just can't deny the fact that horoscope can be so damn accurate. I love my life at the moment. My job has kept me busy and that means keeping my brain and mind occupied with things. LOTS of things. But then as it says, there's still the past issues and actions have to be made in order to move on.
Won't deny the fact that the memories still linger, but who said it was easy when it comes to completely erasing emotional feelings (might be easy for some, but it ain't for me) - but let just say, I am now in a much better position than I was few weeks ago. Time will heal but deep down, I won't be able to forget and I DON'T want to forget - for at least I've tasted something sweet and bitter out of it.
I don't want to forget but I am ready to move on! So throw me with whatever challenges there are out there...I am ready, all geared up and ready to roar and fight like a lion - afterall I am a Leo! A Leo can be defeated & injured, but a Leo will stand back up once again - more ready than before for a new challenge!