Some of you might be wondering.... why "cheesy"???
Cheesy is because all of us was complaining about the movie and how we won't be able to produce nice short clips but lousy clips ... so everyone thought that.... their movie is "CHEESY" so yea... hence the title "Cheesy Movie Festival" - a name given by my ketua darjah - Shant!
First Annual Cheesy Movie Festival designed by Shant (my ketua darjah)
Today was the best class that I had attended so far in my university life. It has never been so exciting and so much fun!
It is our movie screening day!

the lab used for our "cheesy" screening
FYI, one of my subject for this semester is Cinema Language and we are required to produce a short movie by the end of the semester. Since this week is the last week of the semester, therefore we had a screening today where everyone needs to "show-off" the video that we had shot and of cos ... our EDITING and DIRECTING skills!
ALL the CHEESSY movies were just GReAT!!! Superb!!!
We had so many types of cheese : romance, drama, emo, funny, horror ..... and we just couldn't get enough of it!
We had so much fun laughing and enjoying the videos!!
We never thought that all our movies are so GREat ... and i am seriously PROUD of all my classmates!!!!
Don't worry, I'll share the videos here once i get all my classmates' permission to upload it to youtube and i'll also be creating a poll for you to vote for your favourites. So stay tune to my blog k!
For all the "cheesy" videos i had and happily enjoyed today, I got a cheesy Cheese Donut from Lollipop!

that is my 13th donut of the week ... HUURAY!!!
Thanks yea!!!!
Time to go off for my donut supper...and guess what...
........i've just become a donut queen........
oh my gosh, i love your blog so much like , duh... >_<
ok, seriously, nice post!!
love the movie day, just so cheesylicious.... ahhahaha...
lollipop, i know u are my blog's greaaatest fan!!!!
thanks again for the donut!!!!
hahaha.... tahu pun, top fan lerh!!
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